St. Andrew the Apostle Church
3500 School Lane
Drexel Hill, PA 19026
Parish Services
Mass Cards
Masses are offered for a loved one who has died, for strength of the living or for special intentions. Mass Cards acknowledge to the recipient or their loved ones, that the Mass has been offered in their name. Mass cards may be coordinated by stopping into the Parish Offices during our open hours or by calling 610-259-1169.
Gift cards for Acme, Giant, Shop Rite and Kohl's may be purchased through the Parish Offices. 5% of your purchase may be used to offset tuition or registration fees for Saint Andrew School, Saint Andrew CCD, Holy Child Academy or any Archdiocesan High School. We keep track of the credits earned by each family and make payment on your behalf.
Saint Andrew School credits are applied to the registration fee and/or tuition in February. CCD credits are applied to the registration fee in September. High school and Holy Child credits are issued in October and March. Credit can be carried over from year to year and applied to tuition at a later date.
Contact the Parish Offices at 610-259-1169 for your purchase or more information.
St. John's Hospice Casserole Donations
Since 1963, St. John's Hospice, located at 1221 Race Street in Philadelphia, has provided crucial, life-sustaining services for homeless men. At this Catholic Social Services shelter, over 3,000 meals are served each week. St. Andrew Parish is pleased to be a part of this mission, to serve center city men who are poor and homeless.
Volunteers are needed to cook main dish casseroles once a month and deliver them frozen to the food pantry. Casserole recipes can be found online at or you can feel free to use your own recipe. Casserole pans & lids are provided for you in the narthex of the church.
Kindly mark the outside of the lid with your main ingredients and the date it was prepared. Drop off day each month is the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Mason Avenue door to the food pantry between 3-4PM.
If that day and time isn't convenient for you, please make other arrangements by calling the Outreach Office at 484-461-4954.
Everyone is welcome to cook whenever possible. You do not have to commit to preparing casseroles every month to be a part of this program. Please cook whenever you are able. Casseroles will be collected every month. Make sure you use the pans provided in the church, as all casseroles need to be the same size. The hospice has requested no pork and no side dishes.
Those parishioners who desire to serve at the shelter should note that on-site volunteers are now precluded due to the pandemic. The hospice continues to serve 200 grab-and-go lunches per day, along with an estimated 50 takeaway dinners three times a week. There is a continuous need for homemade casseroles.
Thank you for your generosity and kindness to those who are struggling to survive.
2025 Collection Dates
January 28
February 25
March 25
April 22
May 27
June 24
July 22
August 26
September 23
October 28
November 25
December 16 (altered date due to Christmas)
Food Pantry Donations
The Bobby Staffieri Food Pantry at St. Andrew operates year-round, accepting donations of non-perishable food items to distribute to the local needy. The pantry is a small room located on the first floor of the Father John Hughes Building of Saint Andrew School. Limited refrigerator and freezer space are available.
Access through the door on Mason Avenue. Contributions to the less fortunate are received on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, from 9AM-3PM. Please call first, so that you will be met at the door.
July & August - received by appointment only
Parish Outreach Office:
Kathy Caporizzo
These items are always needed:
peanut butter and jelly
soup and crackers
pancake mix and syrup
spaghetti sauce and pasta
personal care products
cleaning supplies
boxed potatoes, rice and noodles
canned vegetables, fruits and meats
snack foods
baking products
paper goods
soap items
foil, plastic wrap, bags
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Andrew the Apostle Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was established in 2013, to aid in the growth of spirituality by offering person-to-person service to those who are in need, as well as those who are suffering.
Anyone in need may call the Parish Office at
610- 259-1169.
All calls are confidential.
“No work of charity is foreign to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul."