St. Andrew the Apostle Church
3500 School Lane
Drexel Hill, PA 19026
Nocturnal Adoration Society
One Hour With Him
The Nocturnal Adoration Society is an association of Catholics dedicated to prayer before the Eucharist for the praise of God and for the needs of the world.
What is the purpose of the society?
To unite the members in prayer before the exposed Sacrament during the hours of the night.
To deepen the experience of communion with Christ Eucharistic, as He continues His self-offering and saving influence, and to revitalize Christian commitment.
To pray for the needs of the Church and the world at large.
2024-25 Dates - 7:30-8:30pm in Church
5 Sept, 3 Oct, 5 Dec, 2 Jan, 6 Feb, 6 March, 3 April, 1 May, 5 June
Who can be members?
Membership is open to all Catholics and there is no age limit.
What does membership entail?
One thing only... to spend one hour, once a month during the hours of the night, on a given night, at a designated hour, in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in a Church where the Society in the form of a local chapter is established. There are no dues and no prescribed social activities other than prayer.
Why do members pray before the exposed Sacrament?
When praying before the Eucharist exposed, the mind and heart more easily give themselves to communion with Christ. By focusing attention on the Sacramental sign of the Memorial of the Lord in a spirit of adoration, thanksgiving, atonement and petition, members seek to internalize and give witness to the significance of the Eucharist for Christian life.
Why do members pray at night?
For reasons of convenience: For many people living in a fast-paced society, a night hour is often more easily set aside for prayer than one during the day and lends itself to praying in quiet, calm and recollection.
For reasons of symbolism: Keeping vigil in the hours of the darkness, an ancient tradition in the Church, draws attention to God as the Source of "light" and goodness amid human weakness and sin, and also stimulates a sense of spiritual preparedness and expectation.
On which night of the month is the Vigil held?
The St. Andrew the Apostle Chapter meets on the Thursday evening prior to First Friday from 7:30pm-8:30pm in the Church.
What do members do during the hour?
During the hour, there are periods of common prayer and periods of private, silent prayer. For the common prayer, it is traditional in the Society to use the liturgical prayer taken from the "Liturgy of the Hours," known as the Office of the Blessed Sacrament, as well as other dialogued prayers in the Society's prayer book. However, other prayer formats may be used. The silent prayer periods are for personal mediation.
Is the Nocturnal Adoration Society a national organization?
The Nocturnal Adoration Society is not only a national but also an international organization with local Chapters throughout the world. The National Headquarters for the United States is located at 184 East 76th Street, New York, NY 10021
Who can I contact if I have more questions or I would like to join?
Our Chapter is facilitation by: Tina Angelo, or call her at 610-513-8731